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M.J. Minakowska: Minakowska's Great Genealogy polski
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Maria Jadwiga Minakowska PhD is building two genealogical databases: "the little" and "the great". The "little" is known as "The Genealogy of Descendants of the Great Sejm" (, available for free, for everybody, but limited to the families of Members of the 1788-1791 Parliament (the Great Sejm). It is over 130,000 people.

Here ( you have The Great Genealogy - over 1.200,000 people from elites of Central-Eastern Europe (former Rzeczpospolita, now Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia) since about 850 until now. One, big family: N. Copernicus, M. Curie, F. Chopin, T. Kosciuszko, John Paul II, J. Conrad, H. Sienkiewicz, C. Miłosz, J. Pilsudski, A. Smetona, B. Komorowski, J. Buzek... Famous: writers, painters, musicians, actors, journalist, discoverers, historians, generals, philosophers, churchmen, lawyers, politicians: before 19th c., 19th c., pre-war, post-war, contemporary... And almost half a million people who are one family with us.

Subscription covers also full-text editions of two great almanachs: A. Boniecki's and K. Niesiecki's Herbarz polski.

Minakowska's Great Genealogy

Top Million of Poles


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Some reading, mostly in Polish:
Wielka Genealogia Minakowskiej na Facebooku

Cytuj: Maria Jadwiga Minakowska, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiej (, wydanie z 20.03.2025.
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